The NSE BSE EOD Downloader application was developed to be an open source tool that will allow you to download / process EOD , F&O and real time data from Indian stock exchange websites and promote future developments from community.Usage:To Download Todays EOD data:- After the trading hour, Click on EOD in the main app and then click on Download.To Download EOD for a period (for Ex: Dec 01 2007 to Jan 01 2007)- Select Starting and End date in Download dialog and then click download. Download / process EOD , F&O and real time data
30 Aralık 2010 Perşembe
NSE BSE EOD Downloader Release 2
The NSE BSE EOD Downloader application was developed to be an open source tool that will allow you to download / process EOD , F&O and real time data from Indian stock exchange websites and promote future developments from community.Usage:To Download Todays EOD data:- After the trading hour, Click on EOD in the main app and then click on Download.To Download EOD for a period (for Ex: Dec 01 2007 to Jan 01 2007)- Select Starting and End date in Download dialog and then click download. Download / process EOD , F&O and real time data
22 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
Appnimi PDF Password Recovery 1.0
Appnimi PDF Password Recovery is a reliable utuility created to enable you to retrieve passwords for protected PDF documents. This program guarantees the most complicated PDF passwords recovery. Appnimi PDF Password Recovery allows to search for the password of the protected PDF using Brute Force algorithm.It can be used by both a normal person who has forgotten his/her password or even forensic engineers.A handy PDF password recovery tool
17 Aralık 2010 Cuma
Audials Tunebite 8.0.32907.700
Audials Tunebite is a software product, which, once installed on the PC, fully automatically or manually records the music you have purchased online as you are playing it back. It is completely legal to record and playback on a different reproducer of yours. Audials Tunebite is an useful program that allows you to record and playback music purchased online. Audials Tunebite is technology-proof, does not bypass any digital copy protection and therefore conforms with all digital copy protection measures, provided that the user is legally entitled to listen to the music.Software for creating unprotected copies of copy-protected audio and video filesTired of DRM-protected file formats like WMA, M4P, AA, M4B, MP4, M4V and WMV getting in your way? Tunebite records your copy-protected music, audio book and video files as they are being played and saves the recordings as unprotected audio (MP3, OGG and WMA) and video (WMV and MP4) files you can use anywhere. Tunebites clever approach has been reviewed and praised by numerous trade journals and internet portals around the world as the ideal and totally legal solution for creating private copies of copy-protected files. Legal notices and Tunebite FAQsWhen a track wont play on your MP3 player, Tunebite Premium comes to the rescue!Have you ever purchased music online? Have you been frustrated because your MP3 player wouldnt support the DRM copy-protection format? Problem solved! Just import protected WMA and M4P music files or protected AA and M4B audio book files into Tunebite. Tunebite plays your files in the background using High-Speed Digital Dubbing, automatically records them while they are playing, and saves the recordings as unprotected MP3, WMA or OGG files that can be played on almost any device.Record and playback the music you've purchased online
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